From the recording Love, what is it for?

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Love, what is it for?

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dare to dream, clutching at whispers of hope, like trying to hold smoke. subsisting, a good day, not a part of you that doesn’t ache from bearing the weight of this emptiness every single, seemingly endless, fucking day. dare to dream, through the silent scream of your enduring loneliness…

can you, can you feel it...coming down, coming down for you? at long last, the tide may be turning…oh baby, the world, the world’s been waiting…

love, what is it for? {it’s the invisible swell}
love, what is it for? {irresistible force}
love, what is it for? {your North star}
love, what is it for? {cardinal direction…nothing less than the air you breath}

lift yourself, from the ashes of your past. shed your robes of regret, cough the despair, straighten your back, feel the benediction; cupid’s kiss on your brow, as you begin to levitate…

love, what is it for? {it’s the invisible swell}
love, what is it for? {irresistible force}
love, what is it for? {transcend the mundane}
love, what is it for? {to be touched by the divine}
...{only this can make you feel so alive}...

{look, there} you’ve been…
{weary hearted} waiting…
{here comes love} waiting so long…
{to melt your prison} now it has come…
{your waiting} now it has come…
{is done…} transcend.
Love, what is it for?